New Places for New People 


As part of our mission plan and commitment we are focused on "being a church for everyone". The projects below show our continued commitment to shaping our church to be open and accessible for all.

Makers Nook

(Information to follow) but you can view our project proforma attached.


Telugu Fellowship - Vishala Hrudayam  - A Methodist Fellowship of Telugu Christians in Greater Manchester

Mission Statement

We are a Christian fellowship with a wide-open heart, and
a wide-open fellowship with a Christian heart,
exploring the meaning and relevance of Christian discipleship
in a multiculturally diverse global public sphere
in order to seek and serve the radical love of Jesus Christ. 27.02.2024

Vishala Hrudayam is a Telugu word comprising of 2 words, Vishala meaning “wide/spacious” and Hrudayam meaning “heart”. Together, it means an “ever widening heart”. We are a Methodist Telugu Fellowship with people from all backgrounds of life gather together in the love of Jesus Christ. As Telugu speaking believers of Christ we met on the 3rd Sunday of every month at The Village Church in Sale, to pursue God through worship, love, friendship hospitality and fellowship. We offer support to the migrant communities in the Greater Manchester area. We have a talented and upcoming band of musicians who lead us into worship, and we also have a Sunday school breakout activity for around 20children during the service. The Cherry on top of the cake is that we also serve some yummy Indian food after the services, so if you fancy yourself a curry, please join us.

We have been working in this way for the last 18 months and the group has grown in that time from 8 people to 120. Our missional activities include, creative worships, Bible study house groups, engaging in contemporary theological conversations and supporting global and local charities. We do fundraising, offer support, worship and share food together each month, make pastoral visits, and assist in traditional Indian Christian rituals – pre-wedding blessings, baby showers, baptism, house blessings etc. We have supported Stockport refugee network, Christian Aid for their Middle-east appeal, Church Action on Poverty and peace initiatives in India in the context of violence & conflict. 

Mission – We want to continue developing the migrant support, particularly to students (potential to link with Unis). We already have a WhatsApp group that includes people from no faith/ other faiths. We will continue to share the love of Jesus and work towards new disciples.

Discipleship – One of our focus areas is discipleship. As migrants we are new people in a new context. Our newness is defined by our place, for in our finding a ‘home away from home’ we are exploring what it means to be a disciple in this 21st century British context. In that process we would want to develop Bible study groups, women’s fellowship and children’s groups. We also intend to engage on the Methodist Way of Life as part of our discipleship/membership classes.

Leadership – 7 lay leaders (3 men and 4 women) from our group have committed to give their time and gifts for our fellowship.  We might develop their leadership skills by mentoring and training up to be lay Christian leaders. Upskilling their leadership gifts include encouraging them to have an exposure on worship and preaching courses. We also intend to strengthen their skill on governance. We are also working on forming a Children’s group leaders to support the ministry among children.

Rev Raj Patta has been seconded 1 day a week from United Stockport Circuit to Sale (Trafford from Sept 1st 2024) to give leadership to this mission fellowship. Rev Glayne Worgan as a Superintendent has been very supportive of this mission fellowship from Sale Circuit, and Rev. Jackie as the Super of Trafford assured the same to the fellowship.

Worship – On of the strengths of our fellowship is worship. We have a young music group who help in leading the music and playing music. We have our singing and praying done in Telugu language. We want to develop this area by encouraging people to be part of Local Preaching and Worship Leaders training. Young children’s baptisms feature in our worships. We might develop our worship by supporting our young people to offer their gifts to enhance our worship, which includes teaching action songs and sharing testimonies.

We share love of Jesus by demonstrating it in action. We offer Parental support – swapping baby clothes and equipment etc. between and among the young families. Support at death and repatriation of body to India – legal, funeral arrangements. Feeding people – in worship, at their homes, food sent in times of need to households. Generosity and hospitality are central. Financial support especially to students. Praying in their homes, Recyclable resources where possible with food.

We are happy to inform that 20 people from the fellowship have recently completed their Safeguarding foundation module training organised by the Learning Network of the Methodist Church. Few of our friends have also done their Health & Hygiene certifications.
We are also happy to share that our application for New People for New Places (NPNP) has been accepted by Caleb Project of the District and we look forward to working on all our mission plans accordingly. We are also part of the Methodist Fellowship groups for language specific groups of the Connexion.

I’d like to end by reminding myself and all of us about Christ’s love which is boundary-less, open-minded, ever forgiving, ever widening and Christ’s love which is all heart. I hope for Vishala Hrudayam as a fellowship to live up to very love and in the process serve our Lord Jesus Christ.
We want to place our gratitude to the Methodist Church in general and to the Sale Circuit in particular for offering us home, hope and hospitality as we reimagine our Indian Christian witness in this post secular British society, seeking a relevance of faith in this public sphere. Thanks to the Circuit Leadership team of the Sale circuit for helping us at every step thus far. We are now glad to be part of the Trafford Circuit, and look forward to working with you all. You are all warmly welcome to join our fellowship any time, for we are growing out to be a diversly multicultural fellowship. We seek prayers from the Circuit Meeting for all our future mission endeavours.

Thanking you,
Rev. Dr. Raj Patta,
Minister, Telugu Fellowship


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